

Art has been a part of my life since I was a child - I was always sketching scenes around me - the view of the garden from the kitchen window to the red standstone facade of my primary school building whilst sitting in the playground.

I love experimenting with different media - from pen and watercolour, to acrylics, collage and printing. I am inspired by many things including the natural and built environment, Scotland’s wildlife and coastlines, scenes of every day life, poetry, and literature.

I love to make art that creates a feeling of warmth, a connection to a memory, favourite place, view or atmosphere in the viewer and will happily discuss commissions to make this happen.

I am lucky enough to live in Rutherglen which is 9 minutes on the train from the city centre of Glasgow and to be able to explore the Highlands when times allow. I have a special connection to Cromarty on the Black Isle and find the town and surrounding landscape to be a great source of inspiration.

Please do get in touch via the contact form below, via Instragram or Facebook, or call me on 07812 132971 if you have any questions or interest in my work - happy to chat!